dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2012

4th MuscleTech Network Workshop (Barcelona octubre 2012)

This meeting is organized by MuscleTech Network (MTN), an initiative led by the FCBarcelona Foundation and Leitat Technological Centre, with the support of the Secretariat General of Sports of the Generalitat of Catalonia and other organizations aiming to solve problems of social impact in the field of skeletal muscle and tendon.

The 2012 edition of the MuscleTech Network Workshop provides an unequalled opportunity to see old colleagues, meet new ones, learn about the recent research advances on skeletal muscle and tendon injuries, and participate in debates.

By organizing this activity, MuscleTech Network keeps advancing on its core objective, create a visible and relevant community in the muscle and the tendon research environment that helps to unify, structure and create opportunities for the benefit of all.

The 4th edition of the network was absolutely amazing. Here you can read some of the conclusions of the workshop that I take during the meeting.

- Importance of prevention programs. Lacking of scientific evidence.

Determining the MECHANISM and the RISK FACTORS of muscle injury is important.
Most muscle disorders seen on athletes are functional rather than structural (no tears seen on MRI) (70%) grade 1 and 2 injuries are functional and 3 and 4 are structural.
- New results and promising studies in tissue engineering (SC, ATI…) in phase I and II.
It can be seen the first preliminary phases in randomized and double blinded studies about PRPs and HVI (results in nearby future).
- The use of antifibrosis drug to block TGF-b1 and prevent scar tissue is an efficient way to improve muscle healing  (LOSARTAN).
The location of strain injury is correlated with the anatomic information. IMPORTANT to know the exact anatomy.
- Need of a consensus in defining injuries (myotendinous, myofascial…)
- More retraction leads to more fatty infiltration and so to an altered contraction.
Aponeuroses, fascias and ECM have an important role in the biomechanics and so in the muscle injury.
- We really don’t know in which phase the pain appears in tendon pathology, so we still don’t know when to act.
- Non healing tendon process may have been caused or even controlled by infectious microbes, reprogramming the tendon cells normal healing process, in particular in genetically predisposed individuals.
New concepts and treatments in tendon patologies à eccentric programs, Minimally Invasive Achilles Tendon Stripping, HVI, PRP (scientific evidence is needed).
- We are in preliminary phases and we need to focus efforts to find useful and applicable results. More results in MTN 2013, 2014…
- The majority of the studies and results need further scientific evidence.