En pocos meses aparecerá publicado un nuevo artículo de nuestro grupo de investigación en la revista Skeletal Radiology. Esta vez un artículo muy interesante sobre los hallazgos anatómicos y la distribución de las lesiones en el músculo sóleo.
A día de hoy, con el "boom" que existe en nuestro país de lo que podría llamarse la "fiebre del running" cada vez son más los deportistas, ya sean profesionales o simplemente amateurs, que sufren problemas en este músculo que se sitúa profundamente a los gemelos.
Dejo un pequeño avance del artículo.
The Soleus Muscle: MRI, Anatomic and Histologic Findings in Cadavers with Clinical correlation of Strain Injury Distribution
The purpose of this study was to describe the normal anatomy of the soleus muscle using Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging, anatomic dissection and histologic correlation in cadavers. The second objective of this study was to analyse the morphometry of the soleus muscle in normal volunteers. The final objective was to undertake a retrospective review of soleal strain injuries confirmed with MR imaging, with correlation made between the cadaveric anatomic findings and the MR imaging features.
Current information on the detailed anatomy of the soleus muscle in the anatomic and radiological literature is lacking. Knowledge of this anatomy accounts for the distribution of sports induced injuries within the soleus muscle-tendon unit and therefore assists in the accurate identification of these injuries, with possible prognostic benefit.
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